Sunday, March 18, 2012

Ordering Fastfood 101

What do you usually get when you eat out? How often do you eat out? Do you get annoyed knowing your probably spending more eating out than what you would spend to just eat at home by making food for your self? Well even though it can be stressful for the consumer, it can be just as and sometimes even more stressful for the minimum wage worker, especially when they have to deal with an unhappy customer when there is nothing that they them self can do anything about the problem. Here are some tips when eating out for consumers.

1. Know your budget
2. Gain knowledge of the restaurants around you, what they sell, and what their prices are
3. Decide to eat at a place that wont kill your budget or leave you with no money
4. If you cannot afford to eat out then you probably shouldn't eat out and wait to eat until you get home or to a grocery store where you can get some food that will last you more than one meal.
5. Know your body. If you really are that hungry and cant wait to eat until you get home, then eat, don't be stupid, you need to take care of your body. 
6. If you must eat out and have very little money to do so, don't get a big meal, just get something small to hold you over, that way you did lose some money but not all, and you actually did a favor on your body by eating a smaller portion because its healthier for your body to eat in smaller portions, we don't need to overfill our bodies. 
7. If you don't like the prices of a restaurant, then don't eat there, eat where you are comfortable at paying a price.
8. If there is only 1 restaurant available and you are not happy with the prices but need to eat, get over it and eat without complaining to anyone; that includes workers, customers, and managers because they are not responsible for the prices, they in fact cannot do anything about the prices. Act like an adult and a role model.
8. Before you go up and ask for prices, use your reading skills that you were forced to learn in the 1st grade to read the menu. On the menu are items that the restaurant you are at serves, prices, and combo options that might save you about 10 cents.
9. If you really have no idea how to order at that certain restaurant, go ahead and ask the minimum wage worker politely how to order at that restaurant. The reason for this is some restaurants like to have unique ways to order in order to keep the creative style going in that particular restaurant and leave the experience memorable to the lucky person who was actually able to afford to eat there that day.
10. If you don't understand something, don't be afraid to ask, its ok to ask the worker helping you to explain why you cant have 2 sides and an entree to make a meal instead of the actual form of a meal of one side, a drink, and an entree just because you are too stupid and arrogant to know your self. Just be polite and courteous to the poor soul worker that has to deal with you.
11. If you aren't happy that you cannot form your own combo style, please don't get mad at the worker, remember they are the minimum wage worker and they don't have meetings in the back room and make these decisions of how the business is ran, they don't get to make any decisions at all, they only get to follow the rules and follow orders given to them by their bosses.
12. If you don't like the prices, again please don't get mad at the worker, they don't get to make those decisions either. 
13. Remember that the people who make the decisions for the way you order and the prices are the people you will probably never ever see, so please do not take out your anger on the workers, its not their fault for the way things are at the restaurant nor the prices, you can ruin your day but please don't ruin the day of the worker that is just trying to make $40 in 8 hours of labor work.
14. Do your best to not get mad at the worker, they don't have anything to do with the way the business is ran
15. Please always remember to thank the worker because its polite.

Thank you for reading and hopefully this will help someone out there to be a better human being by thinking on their own, making their own decisions and treat those that serve them better.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Answer to how can I get enough money for college?

Many student's ask how they can pay for college without having to fall into the hands of debt. Well I have one solution, this will not work for everyone but it should help a lot of future college students. My solution is just save your money before you actually enter college. During my senior year of high school, I decided to finally start getting ready for college, I decided it was time to start saving for it. I didn't get started getting ready for college until the summer before my senior year when I actually started looking at schools, I had always planned on going to college, I just never put the plan into place until my last year of high school and yes I did go to college that fall the same year I graduated high school, so it all worked out. I never asked my parent (yes one parent not two, sorry I was raised by one parent) if they would pay for my school or if I had to but I knew the status of my parent's income and knew that I also had younger siblings that in just literally a couple more years would be going to college as well, so I decided that my senior year I was going to save for my school. To explain how I saved and how much, I opened a new sub account in my existing account at my bank so I could easily keep track without having to figure out numbers how much I had specifically for college. I started at the beginning of the school year and never had an end date, each week I put in $100 into that sub account specifically made for my college savings. By the end of the school year I had $3500 in that one sub account, it put me through 2 years of my schooling, and of course it depends on where you go to school but yes I did go to a university. Now I didn't quit after those 2 years just cause I ran out of money, I finally went to loans but saving did cut a huge chunk out of what I would be paying if I never did save, which brings me to my next recommendation, start saving at least your freshman year of high school, sooner than that would probably be even better. It only took me one year of saving to pay for 2 years of college but if I had started saving back when I was a sophmore, when I first got my job, then I know I wouldn't be struggling like I am now, so please do your self a favor, ask your parents if they plan on pitching in any money for you to go to college, or if they pay it all for you then be very thankful and don't let it go to waste because there are many of us that would love to have to work only the bare minimum just to support ourselves and focus most on our schooling rather than school and how we're going to pay for this, this, this, this, and this; and start saving your money, you wont regret it.